Youth Day: Volunteerism Opportunities Available at LaMvelase
With June 16th being widely recognised as Youth Day, the Municipal Council of Manzini takes this opportunity to reiterate its commitment to the social and economic upliftment of young people in the city. The Municipality acknowledges the youth as being an important stakeholder that plays a huge role in the city’s development hence its relentless effort towards the empowerment and involvement of young people in various developmental initiatives. One of the spheres in which the Municipality involves young people is through the LaMvelase Help Centre; in particular the youth peer education programme. The programme is aimed at providing HIV and AIDS prevention as well as sexual and reproductive health information by young people to their peers in the city. The understanding is that such messages are better received when delivered by people of the same age-group. The LaMvelase Help Centre offers peer education volunteerism opportunities to the youth (aged between 18 and 24). By volunteerism the Municipality refers to partnering with the urban local authority, without expecting pay, towards the delivery of various community social services. Volunteerism helps the Municipality in terms of sustainability of initiatives, facilitating an effective transfer of skills for continuity of community programmes as well as building the culture of self-help and community resilience.
As part of the volunteerism programme, volunteers sign an open volunteer contract which ends when the volunteer is no longer available to render their voluntary assistance. Despite the fact that there is no remuneration attached to volunteerism, participating in this programme has a wide range of benefits to the young person. These include personal fulfilment that one is lending a helping hand in efforts that are aimed at providing interventions to existing community challenges/issues. The young person also acquires knowledge and skills through programme training sessions. Volunteerism is encouraged for people who have just completed high school and those that have graduated from tertiary institutions but are still scouting for employment. It provides them with an opportunity to gain insight about the work environment as well as the behaviour and attitude that are expected in the work place. In fact, in some cases experience in voluntary work is considered an added advantage by some employers during employee recruitment. The Municipal Council of Manzini, therefore, encourages the youth to consider volunteerism in order to keep themselves busy as opposed to sitting idle at home.
To become a community volunteer under the LaMvelase Help Centre, one needs to approach the LaMvelase Help Centre (situated along Sandlane street, opposite the Manzini Library) and register. Alternatively, they can contact the facility on 2508 5091 / and express their desire to work as volunteers. The role of a volunteer youth peer educator is to educate youths within the urban communities (subsequent to training) on HIV and AIDS as well as other sexual and reproductive health topics. Youth peer educators are also tasked with assisting with condom distribution in strategic sites within the Manzini urban area. Both males and females (between the ages 18 and 24) are welcome to take up the voluntary programme. For one to be considered for the programme, they must have completed high school education, must reside within the Manzini urban area, must be passionate about health programming and possess natural basic leadership skills. Parents are implored to encourage their children, especially school leavers and graduates who are still in search for employment, to enrol for the youth peer education programme. By so doing they would have empowered their children with exposure to first-hand information on HIV and AIDS as well as Sexual Reproductive Health; which information will make them lead by example and take informed decisions about their health.
The Municipal Council of Manzini runs a total of eight neighbourhood social centres wherein at least 1,500 children benefit a meal per day as well as free pre-school education to orphaned and vulnerable children. The social centres are based in Ngwane Park, Zakhele, Old Zakhele, Murray Camp, Mangwaneni, Ticancweni, Masekweni and Moneni. Volunteers (aged between 18 and 65), both male and female, are also required in these social centres. Responsibilities include cooking, cleaning and maintaining order amongst children during play and meal time; ensuring Covid-19 protocols are adhered to. The social centres are open only on weekdays. The Municipality is appreciative of the volunteers who are already assisting in these centres. The Municipality also runs a community Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and AIDS programme. Under this programme, trained community volunteers provide PMTCT education services at community level using a door-to-door approach. Both males and females (aged between 18 and 65 years) are welcome to register for this programme on a voluntary basis. Anyone who desires to lend a hand on this programme must be able to read and write and must be physically fit so that they are able to make door-to-door visits in their communities. They must also be passionate about health programming.
…thanks to Eswatini Cycling for the partnership
The tourism activation event that was co-hosted by the Municipal Council of Manzini, Eswatini Tourism Authority and Eswatini Cycling at King Somhlolo Park in the City of Manzini last Saturday morning became a success. The event formed part of the Oshoek-Lavumisa Border to Border Cycling Tour; which saw close to 200 cyclists doing a 200km ride across the country. The key message that was disseminated by Manzini Mayor Quinton Els during the cyclists’ brief stop-over in the city was “Vakasha Ka-Manzini”; which is a call for more and more local and international tourists to visit the City of Manzini and experience the exciting tourism products that the Hub of Eswatini has to offer. The Municipality expresses its appreciation to motorists and the general citizenry for their tolerance and understanding during temporary traffic interruptions that they may have experienced as the cyclists traversed the city. The following photos were taken during the event…