The primary mandate of the Finance Department, in accordance with the Rating Act, 1995 and the Financial Regulations of 1969, is to manage the financial business of Council. The Finance Director, who is the Head of the Department, is required to ensure that departmental procedures and processes are documented and used appropriately for proper functioning of Council. The department forms the backbone for the effective functioning of Council in the sense that without financial resources, Council would not be able to execute her operational requirements and it would be difficult to achieve the city’s vision and mission. One of the key objectives of the department is to ensure the integrity, prudence and authenticity of Council’s financial system and transactions as well as their appropriate recording to improve the liquidity levels. This is done to enhance the functionality of the organization and to facilitate completion of a substantial number of capital projects and service delivery deliverables.
The department comprises of the following sections;
The legislation that governs the rating of properties is the Rating Act of 1995. The law states in Section 6 (1) (a) that each rate shall be made, levied and assessed on immovable property on the basis of the valuation of the land and improvements thereon. Council, therefore, levies property tax on all immovable property that exists within the urban boundary; whether the property/plot is developed or undeveloped. The property includes all tangible real estate property, houses, office buildings as well as the land. The tax is commonly referred to as rates and it is billed on an annual basis. Rates or property tax is the annual amount paid by a property owner to the local government. It is through these taxes that Council is able to deliver service to the city. The service provision includes road maintenance and construction, street cleaning, refuse collection, overgrowth clearing, city lighting during night time, traffic lights functionality, abatement of nuisances and other services required by residents and all other stakeholders.
The value of a given property fluctuates over time, depending on the value of surrounding properties or improvements to the property. Council is, therefore, mandated by legislation to carry out a valuation exercise of all properties available in the city every five (5) years. This valuation exercise is referred to as a General Valuation. This is done to determine the latest value of all properties in the city. It also makes it possible for Council to bill property taxes to property owners. The legislation states that the basis of the valuation of property shall be the market value of such land and any improvements thereon. On an annual basis, a supplementary valuation is carried out. This covers new structures and townships (if any) as well as alterations to existing property. The Rating Act, 1995, calls for Council to engage (through open tender) an independent property valuer who is approved by the Minister of Housing and Urban Development to value the property. Factors of influence during the property valuation exercise include the following;
The rates differ according to the following categories;
Based on the above descriptions, Council determines a rate (tariff) to be charged on the various categories of properties. The Municipality runs an advertisement of rates in the newspapers advising property owners of the tariff to be charged during the year. Once all objections have been attended to and the new tariffs gazetted and published in the local print, the date from which the new tariffs will be effected is set out in the Notice of Rates Assessment. Council then uses the tariffs to calculate and prepare the rates bills that are sent to each ratepayer. Due to the fact that these rates are based on the different land uses it is referred to as differential rating.
In an effort to make rates payment simpler and quicker, the Municipal Council of Manzini offers the following rates payment channels to property owners;
Service charges include (but are not limited to) the following;
Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.
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